Saturday, December 31, 2016

The Silence of New Year's Day

Julian enjoying a fierce Spanish coffee.
What a sleepy morning! Julian has just got up from the lounge to put on a pot of coffee and I'm drifting off again at my desk.
Everyone be silent! God is present and is moving amongst us. (Zechariah 2:13, paraphrased)
What an apt verse for New Year's Day. The streets are quiet, the neighbours are quiet and crowds have dispersed. Of course many are quiet because if they made much noise the hangover headache would get worse. And people are sleepy from staying up late. But whatevs it takes to be still. Because in being still we can more easily contemplate God.

And God is certainly moving amongst us, the people whom he chose to come into being, whom he formed in his own likeness and breathed life into. And for those of us who choose it, God is closer than our own skin.

So settle back on the couch and before you pick up your book or close your heavy eyes, pause for just a moment to say hello to the God in the room.