A curated list of sustainable fashion that embraces my style. Dig in...
Shops reviewed on this blog - click here
Find out about a range of shops that suit all tastes:
- Opportunity Shops
- Vintage and Retro
- Recycled Designer Clothing
- Online and Bricks & Mortar stores
Sartorial eye candy that's good for you
After trawling the wide world of the web, I dish up some Wardrobe Goodness on Pinterest. Am I not good to you, people?
Follow Sally's board Wardrobe Goodness on Pinterest.
Look no further Sydney! Here you can try on sustainable fashion in a shop! The ethical fashionista does have options and they're not all online!
The Eco Ethical Fashion Map of Sydney
Look no further Sydney! Here you can try on sustainable fashion in a shop! The ethical fashionista does have options and they're not all online!
More goodies:
Note: All links, blog entries and map links are independently reviewed without commission.